Quality standard

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To get more information on how the score is calculated, please check the "Quality score formula" page.

Quality standard page: cloud.tqauditor.com/system/qs

Quality standard view

Go to "System" → "Quality standard":

Quality st.png

You can change default quality standards so that they align with your corporate standards. Quality standard includes the score limit, mistake severities, mistake types, weight coefficients of mistake type scores, and quality levels:

Quality standard1.png

Quality standard 3.jpg

Redirect.jpg Back to the "System" page.

Adjust your quality standard

Score limit

By default, the score limit is set to 100. Go to "System" —> "Evaluation settings" to change it:

Score limit1.png

Set the needed score limit and click the "Update" button:

Score limit2.png

You can also change a maximum number of evaluation attempts and a default evaluation sample word count limit on this page.

Note: if maximum evaluation attempts is set to 1, a translator will not be able to request the reevaluation.

Mistake severities

Go to "System" —> "Mistake severities" —> "Mistake severities list" to view and edit mistake severities:

Mistake severities1.png

Click "Edit" to change the name, score, and description of severity:

Mistake severities2.png

Make changes and click "Update":

Mistake severities6.2.png

Note: You cannot delete mistake severities in use, but you can disable them so that they are not displayed in the drop-down lists. Click "Edit", uncheck the "Enabled" checkbox, and click "Update":

Mistake severities6.1.png

Go to the "New mistake severity" page to create a new mistake severity:

Mistake severities4.png

Fill in the name, define a score, and click "Create":

Mistake severities5+.png

Mistake types

Go to "System" —> "Mistake types" —> "Mistake types list" to view and edit mistake types:

Mistake types1.png

Click "Edit" to change the name, description, and weight coefficient per specialization:

Mistake types2.png

Make changes and click "Update":

Mistake types4.png

Note: You cannot delete mistake types in use, but you can disable them so that they are not displayed in the drop-down lists. Click "Edit", uncheck the "Enabled" checkbox, and click "Update":

Mistake types3.png

Go to the "New mistake type" page to create a new mistake type:

Mistake types5.png

Fill in the name, description if needed, define score weight coefficients per specialization, and click "Create":

Mistake types6.2.png

Mistake type score weight coefficients per specialization

Score weight coefficient of a mistake type is the gravity of a mistake expressed by an index. For example, a stylistic mistake made in a translation with the "Legal" specialization is more considerable than the same mistake in a translation with the "IT" specialization (a mistake with an index 1.2 impacts the score more than a mistake with an index 0.5).

Go to "System" —> "Mistake types" —> "Mistake types list" to view and edit score weight coefficients per specialization.

Mistake types1.png

Click "Edit" to change score weight coefficients:

Mistake types2.png

Make changes and click "Update":

Mistake types4.png

Quality levels

Go to the "Edit quality levels" page to edit, remove, or add new quality levels:

Edit quality levels1.png

By default, there are two quality levels, but you can add as many levels as needed:

Edit quality levels2.png

Click "Add below" to add a new quality level:

Edit quality levels3.1.png

Once the quality level is added, fill in the name, change the "Score to (<)" value, and click "Update". For example:

Edit quality levels4.1.png