Mistakes discussion for arbiter
When you receive an email notification of the arbitration request, follow the project ID link in the email and do the following:
- Open the evaluation report.
You can select the "With mistakes" option in the "Units display" settings so that only units with mistakes are displayed.
If you agree with the translator, decrease the severity of a mistake and add a comment if needed. If you disagree with the translator reply to their comment and provide an explanation regarding the mistake severity.
Click the "Submit" button to leave a comment.
You can also edit or delete the comment or add a new mistake:
7. When you replied to all translator’s comments, select "Complete project":
Write the evaluation summary and click "Complete":
To complete evaluation, the arbiter has either to decrease mistake severities or reply to all the translator's comments. Otherwise, they will receive the following message:
Now you have provided a final score that cannot be disputed. The project is completed and all participants will receive email notifications.