Project details

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Project details page: (replace XXXX with a valid number)

Manager can control the project - download project files, reassign participants (manager, translator, evaluator or arbiter) or delete this project at all.

Note: Evaluator (not manager) uploads the files. Manager (if he has not assigned himself as project evaluator) may only download them if needed.

Now, the project has been created, and manager can forget about it.

The system sends an email notification to the project evaluator, who has to follow the instructions from the next chapter.

Project details are divided into several blocks:

Project details


  • ID - unique project number, generated by the system.
  • TMS translation job code - translation job ID, entered by the manager.
  • TMS review job code - review job ID, entered by the manager (differs from translation job code).
  • Specialization - translation specialization (you may add a new one if needed: System => Specialization => New specialization).
  • Language pair - source and target languages.
  • CAT word count - the weighted word count of the job.
  • Stage - shows the progress of the project.
  • Created at - project start date and time.

Project participants


  • Project manager - the supervisor of the project.
  • Project manager email - email of the project supervisor.
  • Project translator - user, that performs translation.
  • Project evaluator - user, that estimates translator’s work.
  • Project arbiter - user, that makes a final decision in dispute situations between translator and evaluator.

Comparison details

Project Comparison details section.jpg

  • Total units - the total number of segments.
  • Corrected units - the number of segments with amendments.
  • Total source words - the total number of words in the source.
  • Source words in corrected units - the number of source words in amended segments.

Change percentage details

Project Change percentage details section.jpg

  • Characters in translated files - the number of symbols in translated files.
  • Characters in same part of text - the number of symbols in the same part of the text.
  • Change percentage - the share of changed part.

Evaluation details

Project Evaluation details section level.jpg

  • Evaluation count - the number of times translation was sent on reevaluation/arbitration.
  • Skip locked units - hidden, "frozen" units (for example, the client wants some parts, extremely important for him, stayed unchanged. Besides, extra units slow down editor’s work).
  • Skip segments with match >= - predefined fuzzy match percentage (the program hides segments with match greater than or equal to, that you specified).
  • Total units - the total number of text segments.
  • Corrected units - the number of segments with amendments.
  • Total source words - the total number of words in the source.
  • Source words in corrected units - the number of source words in amended segments.
  • Quality score - the complex index of performing translation that depends on the total quantity of words, specialization, the severity of mistakes, etc.
  • Quality level - evaluation of the translator.

Evaluation sample details


  • Total units - the total number of text segments in the sample.
  • Total source words - the total number of words in the sample.
  • Comment - a note entered by the evaluator.
  • Total mistakes - the general number of mistakes.
  • Mistakes commented by translator - the number of mistakes with translator's notes.

Mistakes summary

Project Mistakes summary section.jpg

Here you may find the mistakes classified by gravity (Non-scoring, Minor, Major, Critical)

and type (Accuracy, Grammar, Miscellaneous, Punctuation, Spelling, Style, Terminology).

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